Sunday, September 11, 2011


I can think of a hundred things I want to be doing this moment.
And yet, I just sit and watch time go by me every single moment in this basement.
And this is, my life.

If anyone asked me, what is it that I really want from my life,
I would say Happiness.
I have figured of all the things required to live a good life,
Happiness is the most desired and the most difficult mistress.

You have to pursue her all the time
and she ai’nt easy to please.
She doesn’t stay home for long and
you do all you can to bring her back into your life all the time.

Happiness to me is sitting in the balcony
on a cool summer day of the hills
with a book and a cup of coffee.

Ah! I wish I was a librarian in a
small town in the mountains.

Now that, is true happiness.
with nothing to worry about.

I need some miracles in my life.

1 comment:

  1. When in doubt - Lithium. Jokes aside, I love your writing, I want more :)
